Crocosmia 'Lucifer'

Wow what a beautiful flower! It really looks nice next to the purplish-black of the elephant ear and the light purple of the Mexican Bush Sage flower. I hope this plant is really as tough as I've read it is.
This is the 'Full Sun/Part Shade' corner. At first, this is where most of the plants I bought went...then I started to see all the possibilities for the shade. All these plants get really big it seems. I'm worried that I might have planted them too close together. Its hard for me to imagine that far in the future.
This is the 'Full Sun/Part Shade' corner. At first, this is where most of the plants I bought went...then I started to see all the possibilities for the shade. All these plants get really big it seems. I'm worried that I might have planted them too close together. Its hard for me to imagine that far in the future.

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