Friday, March 16, 2007

Azalea City

This week is the best time to be in Mobile.
The azaleas are screaming from everyone's
yards. Maybe its just the parts of Mobile that
I'm in all the time, but there seems to be more
homes with azaleas blooming in their yards
right now than homes that had Christmas
decorations up....and I've felt like a kid driving
around trying to look at them all.

Spring in Mobile isn't quiet, its loud and in your
face. My dad complains that that in a couple
of weeks it'll be all over...he wants things that
bloom over and over or for long periods of time.
But itsn't it nice to join in this celebration once
a year?

So even though I got angry last year at the azalea catapillers
and thought I would never get another azalea ...
well I got a couple more.

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Blogger Ki said...

Very nice photos. Ours season doesn't peak until about Mother's day so it's nice to see what's in store for us. We've had terrible infestations of green inch worms that love to eat the tender leaves of the mountain azalea. I always forget to look for them and by the time I notice they've chewed half the leaves off the shrub. This year I'll definitely remember.

6:41 PM  
Blogger r r s said...

I've seen some azeleas in bloom this week around Austin, but not many. They're not very popular here because our soil isn't acidic enough for them. They ARE pretty, though. I think there's a lot to be said for plants that only bloom in the spring: they put on a huge display, all at once. And, spring bloomers usually flower much earlier than everblooming plants... What a nice kick-off for the season!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Annie in Austin said...

We lived in South Carolina long ago, Amy, and the azaleas really did scream at you to stop and look, so I'm having no trouble imagining the sight.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

4:51 PM  

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